How to be a better writer–words to avoid

2009 approx Port St. Lucie News2

Certain words dilute the power of fiction. After I finish my first or second draft, I search the text file to find the words from the following list. Then I see if I can omit or replace them with more powerful words.

  • about
  • all
  • almost
  • already
  • also
  • and
  • anyway
  • appear
  • be (is, am, etc. all forms of the verb “to be”)
  • by
  • can
  • could
  • even
  • get, get(s) to
  • has to, have to
  • his, hers (and other possessives and pronouns)
  • -ing (replace the gerund–” I was running”–with the action verb–“I ran”)
  • just
  • -ly (most adverbs mean that the verb should be replaced with a better verb. Replace “He walked heavily down the hall” with “He trudged down the hall” or “He stomped down the hall.” Get it?)
  • might
  • need(s) to
  • of (replace “The house made of wood” with “The wooden house”)
  • ought to
  • seem
  • -self (as in myself, himself or herself)
  • so
  • should
  • some
  • still
  • that
  • the
  • then
  • there
  • think
  • to
  • up
  • very
  • want(s) to
  • well
  • would
  • yet

Try replacing most of these words and your writing will be tighter and more powerful.