Book Signing at Leesburg Literary Arts Festival

I was one of 15 local writers invited by the Leesburg Library for their Leesburg Literary Arts Festival, part of the Leesburg Art Festival. I was there from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 10-11, meeting attendees at the Arts Fest and signing my books on Main Street in downtown Leesburg, Florida.
We were blessed with glorious weather and the crowd turnout was gratifying. I was also gratified by several art patrons who bought all seven of my Carlos McCrary novels. Response was so good that I sold out of three of the seven titles.
This is an annual event that I recommend and plan to attend again next year. It’s a fun weekend during a beautiful time of the year in central Florida that includes an impressive collection of literary genius, artwork, music and food.
Here are some links to information should you want to join me next year:
Literary Arts Festival Website
Leesburg Public Library Website
I hope to see you there!
Lisa Black’s “Trail of Blood” is a five star mystery novel
When I attended the Lake County Book Fest last year, one of the speakers was Lisa Black. Lisa is a forensic scientist with the Cape Coral, Florida, police department, working mostly with fingerprints and crime scenes. She also writes great mystery novels. I bought her book Trail of Blood at the Book Fest. I give it five stars. The excitement and suspense are first rate. You can order it at You’ll be glad you did. Lisa’s website is
Lake County Library Book Fest 2014
I am looking forward to attending several of the events of the Lake County Library Book Fest this week. First, I am attending a session from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. today where best-selling author Lisa Black will provide a glimpse into the world of forensic science and the characters who inhabit that world.
Then, on Wednesday, March 12, I will attend Authors Going Rogue from 2:00 to 4;00 p.m. Mystery Writers of America authors Julie Compton, Vicki Landis and Ann Meier will discuss why some authors have left traditional publishing for the wild world of DIY. Today, authors who want to get published have many options. This workshop will focus on the two most prevalent—traditional publishing and self – publishing, as well as the respective pros and cons.
I’ve learned a lot about writing by attending events such as these and listening to other successful writers.