McCrary’s Justice (book 6)
A Carlos McCrary, Private Investigator, Mystery Thriller
Nebraska farmer Wilbur Jenkins learns his missing daughter is a sex slave in Port City, Florida. He grabs the next flight to Port City and begs the cops to find her.
Is an untouchable diplomat behind the abduction?
The only clue is a phone number belonging to Antonio Crucero, a sinister diplomat from a Caribbean island paradise. The cops can’t penetrate Crucero’s diplomatic immunity, so Jenkins hires Carlos McCrary, a Private Eye who helps people when the cops can’t.
Crucero thumbs his nose at U.S. law, but diplomatic status can’t protect him from McCrary
McCrary uncovers a cesspool of sex trafficking and illegal drugs stretching from South Florida to the Caribbean, and the slimy Crucero is the kingpin of the operation.
Be prepared for a white-knuckle chase
In the final showdown Crucero circles back to McCrary’s own home, where Chuck must confront his worst nightmare. McCrary’s Justice slices like a machete through a treacherous jungle of new and fearsome enemies, as Chuck McCrary maneuvers inside the gangs and outside the law.
Quotes from McCrary’s Justice:
“I prefer to accentuate the positive and say I rescued a woman whom the crooked cop had kidnapped,” I answered modestly.
If those failed, I would run like a scalded dog.
McCrary’s Justice, published in March 2016, has received 79 reader reviews with 4.4 stars on Amazon and 37 ratings on Goodreads with 4.2 stars as of 7 Sep 2023. Read Reviews...