Debt of Honor (book 9)
A Carlos McCrary, Private Investigator, Mystery Thriller

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When a buddy saves your life, you owe him a debt—especially if he’s dead.
Debt of Honor cover for book page

Life is good for private investigator Carlos McCrary in the South Florida sun… until a headless corpse washes up on a sunny beach.

When a cryptic tattoo reveals that the corpse is one of McCrary’s old Army buddies, McCrary’s South Florida paradise is thrown into a tailspin. This mutilated body is special. It was a man who saved McCrary’s life in Iraq. That’s a debt that McCrary vows to repay in spades.

Not content to let the police catch the killer, McCrary demands frontier justice for the murderer who tortured and killed his friend.

Perfect for fans of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher, David Archer’s Noah Wolf, and Robert B. Parker’s Spenser, this mystery-thriller will draw you in and won’t let go until the final heart-stopping showdown.

Quotes from Debt of Honor:

If at first you don’t succeed, bang it with a bigger hammer.
“Sometimes vigilante justice is the only justice available.”
“There is no statute of limitations on murder. Thirty years from now, you might be playing with your grandkids one day and there’s a knock on the door.”
“Hank, you surprise me with how sensitive you are. You pretend to be a hard-ass, all-business, SOB of a cop. But underneath, you’re a marshmallow.”
“I cry at sad movies too.”
When Ruby reached Chuck, she threw her arms around his neck. Thrusting the length of her body against his, she breathed in his ear. “Oh, god, that feels good. Are you glad to see me?” she murmured.
“No, that’s a gun in my pocket.”
“The police sergeant said you were armed like Rambo but not to worry, because you’re on the side of the angels. What’s with all the hardware? Have we wandered into a private war?”
“Nah. You’re in no danger. I’m just paranoid.”
“This is South Florida; everybody loves Cuban food. It’s a state law.”
The light at NE 6th Avenue switched to yellow. Chuck accelerated through the intersection. The light turned red. He pretended it was pink.
“We have some routine questions, Mr. McCrary,” Special Agent Bloom said.
The old “routine questions” tactic. It’s nothing special, Chuck. We don’t suspect you of anything, Chuck. Everything’s fine, Chuck. We have some routine questions like we ask everyone, Chuck.
Everyone, that is, whom we suspect invaded a private home and murdered the homeowner.

Debt of Honor, published in March 2021, has received 16 reader reviews with 4.6 stars on Amazon as of 7 Sep 2023.

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