Day of the Tiger (book 5)
A Carlos McCrary, Private Investigator, Mystery Thriller

Why does a tiger protect a sheep?
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Retired NFL player Tank Tyler is a powerful, wealthy financial advisor—a Tiger by anyone’s definition. Tank’s old college teammate Al is drowning in drugs and self-pity—a miserable failure. Why does a winner like Tank keep bailing out a loser like Al?

When Al goes missing, Tank hires Private Investigator Chuck McCrary to find him. Chuck discovers that Tank and Al share a sordid secret that ruined Al’s life and turned Tank’s dreams into nightmares that still haunt him. Then Chuck learns that Al is tangled up with Monster Moffett, a loan shark whose tentacles reach into many different buckets of slime.

What the hell has Al gotten himself into this time?

Al promises Chuck and Tank that he’ll turn his life around, but he’s promised that before.

When Chuck’s search uncovers Moffett’s trail of sex trafficking and forced prostitution, the mobster sends his gang to silence McCrary—permanently.

Chuck will need more than brawn, balls, and bullets to sort out this mess.

Quotes from Day of the Tiger:

“The FBI obeys the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, even with scumbags; I don’t.”
“What am I supposed to do, psychoanalyze him? Read his aura? Adjust his chakras? I’m a poor dumb private investigator with a room-temperature IQ. Performing a personality transplant is outside my area of expertise.”
He was over six feet tall and muscled with bulk built by countless low-weight repetitions. I call them “show muscles.” They weren’t working muscles like a boxer develops when he spars and exercises for months. That was good enough for a strip club bouncer and sufficient for ninety-nine percent of the people he encountered. I was the other one percent.
Her nipple ring was decorated with rhinestones. Like I might not notice.
I remembered the advice of an instructor in Special Forces. “Always be polite and respectful, but make a plan to kill everyone in the room if necessary.”

Day of the Tiger, published in March 2016, has received 64 reader reviews with 4.5 stars on Amazon and 47 ratings on Goodreads with 4.4 stars as of 7 Sep 2023. Read Reviews...

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